Under the Guidance of H.G. Bishop Serapion and Father John Paul Abdelsayed, you are cordially invited to serve with us in Honolulu, Hawaii.
When: January 12 2013 – January 22 2012 (Martin Luther King holiday is on 1/21/13)
What: Focus is on evangelizing and helping the families and community of Hawaii
Where: Honolulu, Hawaii
Cost: $500 (includes accommodations, transportation and food) plus Airfare (under $500)
Email us at [email protected] or [email protected]
Deadline to Register: December 15, 2012 with a $200 deposit
Make your deposit below using Paypal
If you can make the time in your schedule to serve in this event, you won’t regret it! There are so many people who need our help and our outreach. Please spread the word about this event to your friends. Space is limited, so if you’re interested, send an email to the above email address